Vöxx made its debut at Hot Import Daze this past Labor Day Weekend. The show, run by the organizers of the famous Hot Import Nights, took place at the Shoreline Aquatic Park in Long Beach. With a great view of the harbor, we were ready to show off our latest designs, as well as the Modena equipped on the Integra Type S.
The daytime, family friendly version of Hot Import Nights proved to be quite the show. Cars from all over arrived and filled up the park. With how long Hot Import Nights has been around, we weren't limited to seeing just imports any more. Drivers arrived with all sorts of different cars, making the show varied and interesting to walk.
With the sun setting over Long Beach, the show came to a close. Lots of people came by to talk wheels and check out the Integra. Big thanks to everyone who stopped by, and an even bigger thanks to the Hot Import Nights organizers.
We currently don't have any other car shows or meets scheduled, but we'll be at SEMA in November. Come find us at Booth# 47029!
Interested in our designs? Check us out at www.voxxwheel.com.
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